
Medical Leave Lawyer San Francisco

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Medical Leave Lawyer San Francisco

Medical leave affords employees the opportunity to take the leave they need – in response to serious life events – while ensuring that their jobs and their medical coverage are protected. There are laws at both the federal and state level that afford important related protections, and if you believe your right to medical leave has been violated, you should not wait to discuss the matter with an experienced San Francisco medical leave lawyer. 

The Law

The federal government has the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), while the State of California has the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). Both laws provide similar protections, but California’s law is generally more robust than the federal government’s, which means it covers more employees in a broader range of situations. 

CFRA Qualification

California’s medical leave law states the following employees qualify for CFRA:

  • Those who work for employers who employ at least five workers.
  • Those who have worked for their employers for at least 12 months. 
  • Those who logged at least 1,250 hours in the year of work in question. 

CFRA has no requirement in relation to work location – employees can work anywhere and still qualify. FMLA, on the other hand, only covers employees who work within a 75-mile radius of a primary worksite – or a worksite that employs at least 50 people. 50 is the minimum number of employees for FMLA qualification.

CFRA Coverage

CFRA affords eligible employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave – in which their job and their health insurance are protected – to address their own serious health concerns or the serious health concerns of a family member, such as a spouse, child, or parent. Additional qualifying events include:

  • Bonding with a new child
  • Experiencing a pregnancy-related health concern.

It’s important to note that California recently extended its coverage to include caring for designated persons, which refers to anyone who is a blood relative or to anyone whose relationship to the employee makes them like a family member.  


Both FMLA and CFRA afford employees the right to 26 weeks of leave in a 12-month period to care for a spouse, a child, a parent, or someone who is next of kin who is also a servicemember and has suffered a serious illness or injury. This is called military caregiver leave. 

An Experienced San Francisco Medical Leave Lawyer Is Standing By to Help

If your employer has violated your right to medical leave or you’ve experienced negative consequences as a result of taking the medical leave to which you’re entitled, you have legal rights that are well worth protecting. Jeannette Vaccaro at The Law Office of Jeannette A. Vaccaro in San Francisco is a formidable medical leave attorney who takes immense pride in her ability to secure the employment rights of clients like you. To learn more about how Ms. Vaccaro can also help you, please don’t put off reaching out and contacting us today.

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Jeannette is passionate about employee rights. She fights to shed light on injustices and to help her clients move beyond troubling times. Contact Jeannette today for a free case evaluation.

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Jeannette A. Vaccaro is a Passionate and zealous advocate, representing employees in all facets of employment law.


Think You May Have A Case?

Jeannette is passionate about employee rights. She fights to shed light on injustices and to help her clients move beyond troubling times. Contact Jeannette today for a free case evaluation.

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