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San Francisco Gender Discrimination Attorneys

In the past several decades there have been major strides toward gender equality, yet gender discrimination in the workplace continues to affect employees every day.  Sex and gender discrimination laws protect both men and women from issues such as unequal pay, sexual harassment, and positional bias. State and Federal laws forbid unequal treatment based on a person’s gender in any aspect of employment.

Gender discrimination in the workplace can take place in a number of ways, such as:

  • Being denied a promotion, pay raise, or training opportunities that are given to people of another sex who are equally or less qualified
  • Being given less desirable assignments or opportunities for advancement
  • Being left out of decision-making opportunities
  • Being held to a different standard because of your gender
  • Being given lower-paying or lower-ranking positions on account of your gender
  • Derogatory comments, slurs, hostile remarks, or other verbal abuse about your gender
  • Being criticized because you don’t act or present yourself in a way that conforms to traditional ideas of femininity or masculinity
  • Being intentionally misgendered (i.e. repeatedly referred to as “her” when you have been asked to be called “him”)
  • Being subjected to unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other physical or verbal abuse
  • Being more harshly criticized because of your gender

If you’d like to learn more about your rights, contact Jeannette for a free consultation at (415) 444-5800 or by filling out a confidential consultation form here.

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Jeannette is passionate about employee rights. She fights to shed light on injustices and to help her clients move beyond troubling times. Contact Jeannette today for a free case evaluation.

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Jeannette A. Vaccaro is a Passionate and zealous advocate, representing employees in all facets of employment law.


Think You May Have A Case?

Jeannette is passionate about employee rights. She fights to shed light on injustices and to help her clients move beyond troubling times. Contact Jeannette today for a free case evaluation.

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