
What Should I Do If I’m Being Sexually Harassed at Work?

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What Should I Do If I’m Being Sexually Harassed at Work?

Sexual harassment is a prevalent issue in the workplace. Despite continuous push to address and condemn such conduct, employees may still find themselves facing mistreatment in the workplace. If you believe you’ve been subjected to sexual harassment at work, contact an attorney to discuss the next steps. The Law Office of Jeannette A. Vaccaro offers dedicated legal support. Our attorney can help you seek compensation: schedule a consultation to discuss your case.

Understanding Workplace Sexual Harassment

Workplace sexual harassment constitutes a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is a form of sex discrimination that can persist between people of any gender, coworkers, an employee and a client, or an employee and their supervisor. It can occur in various settings, including the workplace, work-related events outside of the workplace, or during work travel.

There are two main types of unlawful workplace sexual harassment:

  1. Quid pro quo: This form involves a worker being forced to endure certain conduct as a condition of employment. For instance, a supervisor might pressure a subordinate to engage in sexual acts in return for job benefits.
  2. Hostile work environment: This form of harassment involves intentional, recurring, severe, and/or pervasive conduct that impacts one’s ability to perform their job. Examples include offensive jokes, comments, insults, or sharing offensive images.

The effects of workplace sexual harassment can be devastating for the victim, leading to emotional distress, decreased work performance, and even job loss. It is thus imperative to seek legal guidance from experienced professionals like attorney Jeannette A. Vaccaro, who can navigate these complex issues with empathy and skill.

Actionable Steps If You Experience Harassment at Work

If faced with harassment at work, remember you have rights, protections, and options:

  1. Communicate: If safe, directly address the harassment. Tell the person whose actions you find inappropriate to stop.
  2. Record: Document each incident, noting down the details such as date and time, who harassed you, where it took place, any witnesses, and what was said or done.
  3. Report Internally: Follow your employer’s policy on harassment to report an incident. If the first person you report it to does not act, report it to someone else.
  4. Report Externally: Contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or your local EEOC field office to learn about your rights, resources or how to file a charge.
  5. Contact a Lawyer: Seek legal advice. Choose an attorney who is experienced in handling such cases. Attorney Jeannette A. Vaccaro can provide invaluable guidance to those facing workplace sexual harassment.

Talk to Our Employment Attorney

Understanding workplace sexual harassment and knowing how to respond is essential for every employee. Remember that you have rights and that help is available. If you find yourself in such a situation, the Law Office of Jeannette A. Vaccaro is ready to guide you through the process, providing the support that you need. Stand up against workplace sexual harassment; contact us today for a consultation.

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