
What Is Considered a “Reasonable Accommodation?” 

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What Is Considered a “Reasonable Accommodation?” 

In today’s diverse work environment, making sure that all employees have the opportunity to contribute meaningfully is key to a thriving, respectful workplace. Reasonable accommodations play a crucial role in allowing employees with disabilities to work effectively while being treated fairly by their employers and colleagues. Understanding what constitutes a reasonable accommodation under both California and federal law is essential for employees who wish to assert their rights, especially if their request for an accommodation was denied. At the Law Office of Jeannette A. Vaccaro, we stand ready to assist disabled employees in requesting the necessary accommodations to succeed in their workplace.

Understanding Reasonable Accommodation

A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a job or work environment that enables a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential functions of their position. The purpose of providing accommodations is to allow employees with disabilities to perform their roles effectively and with dignity. The goal is to level the playing field and provide equal employment opportunities for all.

Examples of Reasonable Accommodations

Accommodations vary widely, depending on the individual’s needs and job requirements. Common examples include:

  • Making Facilities Accessible: Altering the physical layout of a workplace to make it accessible for employees with disabilities.
  • Job Restructuring: Modifying job duties or work schedules to better suit the employee’s needs.
  • Telework: Allowing employees to work from home when necessary.
  • Reassignment to a Vacant Position: Moving the employee to an available job that they are qualified for if they cannot perform their current job’s essential functions.
  • Equipment Modification: Providing or modifying equipment or devices that the employee needs to perform their job.
  • Adjusting Training Materials: Altering training materials or providing qualified readers or interpreters to aid in understanding job functions.

Factors Influencing Reasonable Accommodation

The decision to grant a reasonable accommodation depends on several factors. Primarily, the accommodation must enable the employee to perform the essential functions of their job without posing a direct threat to themselves or others. Essential functions are the fundamental duties of a position that an employee must be able to perform, with or without accommodation.

Moreover, the accommodation must not impose an undue hardship on the employer. Undue hardship is defined as an action requiring significant difficulty or expense when considered in light of factors such as the business’s size, resources, and overall financial status. Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis to confirm fairness and feasibility. In some instances, an employer refuses to provide reasonable accommodations without basis. An attorney can help disabled employees seek their rightful compensation in such cases. 

Call If Your Request for a Reasonable Accommodation Was Denied

Navigating the complexities of requesting a reasonable accommodation can be challenging. However, understanding your rights and the accommodations available can empower you to take control of your work environment. The Law Office of Jeannette A. Vaccaro is committed to advocating for employee rights and helping you receive the accommodations necessary to succeed in your role. If you believe you need a reasonable accommodation, or if your request has been denied, we invite you to contact our office. Together, we can work towards a solution that respects your rights and supports your professional journey.

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